Monday, 25 September 2017

Convert JSON to CSV

If you want to convert JSON data to CSV for export purpose, the following jQuery code will help you. The following jQuery code defines a function called ConvertToCSV which takes JSON string, converts to CSV and returns it. Since it’s not compulsory to have comma as a delimiter for CSV, the delimiter is passed from outside which helps in changing the delimiter in the future without changing the actual function. The function first converts the JSON data into an array and then loops through the array to create a delimited string.

var jData = '[{"fname":"Mark", "lname":"Wood", "company":"Apple"},' +
  '{"fname":"Steve", "lname":"Jones", "company":"Amazon"},' +
  '{"fname":"Bill", "lname":"Peterson", "company":"HP"},' +
  '{"fname":"Peter", "lname":"Jacobs", "company":"Dell"}]';

var seperator = ',';
var sCSV = ConvertToCSV(jData, seperator);

function ConvertToCSV(jData, delimiter) {
  var arrJSON = typeof jData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(jData) : jData;
  var sReturnVal = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < arrJSON.length; i++) {
    var sLine = '';
    for (var index in arrJSON[i]) {
      if (sLine != '') sLine += delimiter;
      sLine += arrJSON[i][index];
    sReturnVal += sLine + '\r\n';
  return sReturnVal;

The above function just creates a delimited string, it doesn’t allow you to save it as a .csv file. If you wish to export/download the JSON data into a CSV file with column headings and an optional report title, the following jQuery code provides a solution for the same. The modified function now expects 3 more parameters: report title, flag to display header, and a file name. While calling the function, please consider following things:

  • If you don’t wish to have a report title, pass an empty string.
  • In case you don’t need a column header, pass ShowHeader as false.
  • Pass the file name without the .csv extension.

The function does the following things:

  • First, parses the JSON data in an object, if not already.
  • If report title is not empty, appends the title to the variable.
  • If ShowHeader is true, then loop through the array’s 0th element to get the header columns and then appends them in the variable.
  • Then loop the array to get the data and creates a delimiter separated string.
  • Once the loop is completed, check the variable for any errors. An empty value means the JSON data is not correct. In such a case, it logs the error and exits the function.
  • If everything is correct, then initialize file format. The file format is CSV in this case.
  • Then it creates a temporary anchor tag and appends it to the HTML body with hidden visibility. Assigns the href and download attribute values and calls the anchor click function. Finally, removes it again from the body as it’s no longer needed.

function ConvertToCSV(jData, title, ShowHeader, fileName, delimiter) {
  var arrJSON = typeof jData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(jData) : jData;
  var strCSV = '';
  //Set title first.
  if (title.length > 0)
    strCSV += title + '\r\n\n';
  if (ShowHeader) {
    var headerRow = "";
    for (var index in arrJSON[0]) {
      if (headerRow != '') headerRow += delimiter;
      headerRow += index;
    strCSV += headerRow + '\r\n';
  for (var i = 0; i < arrJSON.length; i++) {
    var sLine = '';
    for (var index in arrJSON[i]) {
      if (sLine != '') sLine += delimiter;
      sLine += arrJSON[i][index];
    strCSV += sLine + '\r\n';
  if (strCSV == '') {
    console.log('Error while converting due to invalid data');
  var uri = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(strCSV);
  var link = document.createElement("a");
  link.href = uri; = "visibility:hidden"; = fileName + ".csv";

Call this function on any event to convert the JSON data into a downloadable CSV file like:

ConvertToCSV(jData, "Employee Data", true, "EmployeeReport", seperator);

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