Friday, 15 September 2017

SEQUENCE in Oracle

sequence is an object in Oracle that is used to generate a number sequence. This can be useful when you need to create a unique number to act as a primary key.

Use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence, which is a database object from which multiple users may generate unique integers. You can use sequences to automatically generate primary key values.

 - When a sequence number is generated, the sequence is incremented, independent of the transaction committing or rolling back.

CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name
  MINVALUE value
  MAXVALUE value
  START WITH value
  CACHE value;

* MAXVALUE: Specify the maximum value the sequence can generate. This integer value can have 28 or fewer digits. MAXVALUE must be equal to or greater than START WITH and must be greater than MINVALUE.

* NOMAXVALUE: Specify NOMAXVALUE to indicate a maximum value of 1027 for an ascending sequence or -1 for a descending sequence. This is the default.

* MINVALUE : Specify the minimum value of the sequence. This integer value can have 28 or fewer digits. MINVALUE must be less than or equal to START WITH and must be less than MAXVALUE.

* NOMINVALUE: Specify NOMINVALUE to indicate a minimum value of 1 for an ascending sequence or -1026 for a descending sequence. This is the default.

* CYCLE: Specify CYCLE to indicate that the sequence continues to generate values after reaching either its maximum or minimum value. After an ascending sequence reaches its maximum value, it generates its minimum value. After a descending sequence reaches its minimum, it generates its maximum value.

* NOCYCLE : Specify NOCYCLE to indicate that the sequence cannot generate more values after reaching its maximum or minimum value. This is the default.

* CACHE: Specify how many values of the sequence the database preallocates and keeps in memory for faster access.

* NOCACHE: Specify NOCACHE to indicate that values of the sequence are not preallocated. If you omit both CACHE and NOCACHE, then the database caches 20 sequence numbers by default.

* ORDER: Specify ORDER to guarantee that sequence numbers are generated in order of request. This clause is useful if you are using the sequence numbers as timestamps. Guaranteeing order is usually not important for sequences used to generate primary keys.

* NOORDER: Specify NOORDER if you do not want to guarantee sequence numbers are generated in order of request. This is the default.

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